2015 will be remembered for many different reasons. For me, 2015 will primarily be remembered for the birth of our first son.

L & B

I’ve often thought about what educational experience I most want for kids. This year, that has become even more personal as the question has started to be what educational experience do I want (some day) for our own son.

I want his schooling to truly be centered around his learning.

I want him to be able to play a role in designing his own learning experiences.

I want it to challenge him to think creatively and uniquely.

I want it to be fun.

I want him to have an opportunity to read, think, dream, explore, and create independently and collaboratively.

I want diversity to be experienced, understood, and valued.

I want him to connect with others and learn humility. 

I want him to be taught to listen first, know his voice matters, and to always be an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.

I want his school to make sense in a real-world context.

I want success to be the expectation, but the only pressure to be for him to do his best.

I am thankful to have the opportunity to create learning experiences that I believe in for kids, and (some day) for my own son

3 thoughts on “2015

      1. Outdoor preschool looks interesting – makes me think of the Kindergarten in Japan. We have many friends in New England with their children in unique models of early childhood education. (The prices for such, ouch!) You should check out the hashtag #childhoodunplugged

        If I could have done one thing differently when our kids were younger (they’re only 4, 2, and 2 but still would have liked to start from the beginning) I would have read/adopted more of the Montessori approach. I’m a believer now.

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