DAY 23: 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers

One way that I involved the community in the learning in my classroom was through the use of our class twitter account. Both my students and I tweeted daily, sharing our learning, photos, videos, blog posts, links, and more! Twitter is a window into classrooms, but it also allows classes to make connections with those in the community. We utilized hashtags, mentions, and retweeting to connect messages to others. Anyone not on Twitter could still access our tweets through the feed on our class web site. The use of twitter allowed our class authentic, real-time, relevant opportunity for communication and collaboration.

Twitter’s potential expands much further than just engaging our local community. This shout out, documented in the blog post Africa Research, is one of my favorite examples of students connecting with the broader community (our world).

**This post is in response to “Reflecting Teaching: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers.”

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